Profil Sekolah
Cita Mulia is an islamic school under the auspices of the Irtiqo Kebajikan Foundation Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. The school was established in 2014 with only its campus in Rempoa, Ciputat. In 2016 the school was relocated to Jl. Dr. Setiabudi, Gg. Angsana 2, Pamulang Timur, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan. Cita Mulia integrates technology, environmental values and Islamic values in all aspects of students’ lives both in classroom learning and in daily life.
The school has been accredited as B, using a national education curriculum that is integrated with the Islamic-valued curriculum. Also, it has competent, committed and experienced educators. As an effort to make students accustomed to Islamic values and caring of the environment with their responsibility and self-awareness, several activities are implemented in teaching and learning activities in schools. For example, when students arrive at school, they are welcomed by the teachers and say salam. When the first bell rings at 06:55, students do not immediately start the lesson but they line up in front of the class to do icebreaking, singing, and reading the students’ pledge in Bahasa, English and/or Arabic “We bear witness that there is no god but Allah. We testify that the prophet Muhammad is a messenger of Allah. We testify that the Koran is our guide to life“. After that, students perform the Duha prayer, pray together and continue with motivational activity, which is an activity where one student provides motivation to other students. After that, the homeroom teacher gives feedback and additional motivation before students are ready to start the first subject at 07.25.
In addition, students are also scheduled to take care of the environment as a form of caring to make the green school. Twice a week, students accompanied by the teacher and the team leader conduct these activities including watering plants, making compost, checking the condition of seedlings of crops, flowers and trees. Students also have to check the cleanliness of the canteen and toilets. With these additional activities, it is not surprising that the school achieved an adiwiyata school award of the city level in Tangerang Selatan and has participated in a provincial level of adiwiyata competition.
Some of the qualities that are necessary for a leader such as, intelligent, independent, initiative, caring, empathy, responsible, honest, daring to take risks become an important consideration in the school to build students’ characters. To strengthen their character, students will be conditioned to always interact with the holy quran. They will learn to read with tartil, understand the meaning and will memorize it, at least 3 juz.